Current Update (11-19-2024)
You can view a map where service is available here:
The service is available in the green areas of the map.
We currently have 1857 customers! Thanks to all our great customers!
Salem Fiber phone numbers:
385-437-4411 for information
385-437-HELP (4357) for customer support
We are actively connecting customers almost all over town and are working North of 400 North in the NE Center Node. ​We are also working in the Viridian Node and should be connecting homes in a couple weeks.
We love all our customers!
If you would like to be connected to the fastest, most reliable fiber network in Utah please submit the signup form.
https://www.fiber.salemcity.org/signup (For online sign up)
Complete the remaining areas of the town and make sure we are first in the new areas!
We are working hard everyday to complete this hugely important project for Salem. It may seem an overwhelming task but we have experience building these services and we are confident in the network and what it will be capable of providing to the residents of Salem. Thank you all for your enthusiasm!