I am happy to see the progress that has been made, even with all the hurdles that have been involved in this project.
I was excited to see that testing looks to be underway in the Cemetery West node. And I must admit one of my first reactions was “wow, that’s sure close to our Dreamview node!” Maybe I have a bad habit of over analyzing everything, but a few questions popped into my mind as I as have been reviewing some of the other forums.
The first question / assumption that spawned several other thoughts was when reading a forum about some of the terrain and construction timeline challenges for some nodes, “with the most difficult areas coming last I'm afraid. To be successful we have to do the easy customers first and work our way across town, but the city council is committed to running the service to every house in Salem that wants the service.” I ignorantly started assuming and since Cemetery West is just south of the Dreamview node, and the terrain is flatter than most of Salem nodes that I can think of, off the top of my head and wondered if it would be the easiest to transition up next in this area? Then sparked a wave of how can I help expedite it to our area, and all the how I can assist questions. As I’m sure we are all wanting fiber to our homes ASAP.
I’m just going to start listing some thoughts and questions below. No pressure John on having to answer every one of these immediately as it sounds like you have your hands full! Maybe others already know answers to these. Or has already been answered and I haven’t seen it yet. If nothing else, Maybe this will spark other ideas?
Is there anything Salem community or individuals can do to assist in any way?
o Maybe we could assist with some obstacles or concerns I have noticed in other posts?
Could we help get the word out to our neighbors?
I saw a note saying you could still use some additional testers in the Deer Creek and Cemetery West nodes.
Informational flyers for those of us that were born before the internet, 😊 and may not even be aware Salem is working on this project? Even if all it had on it was the Managed WIFI $15 a month package, that explains how easy, stress free, and potentially save them quite a bit of money on their monthly expenses compared to other ISP’s.
Could the community help with updating forums / Website? So its one less thing the crew needs to spend to much time on.
Is there anything we could do individually to help speed up the installation process at our individual properties?
Supply and Shipping obstacles: Overhead Fiber Terminals, cable supply, etc.
Are any of these similar to the termination boxes that are being used at the entry of houses?
Okay, I guess all follow suit.
Do you have any estimated time frame on when Dreamview will be ready for testers?
Is there anything we can do to help?